I need your help. Not in a 'please may I have one of your kidneys' kind of way. Not even in a 'could you write a letter of support to the government for me?' way. No, I just need your advice.
Quite soon, on July 6, I turn 40. It's something that both delights and surprises me.
Delights because quite frankly, there have been times in my life (primary school in the years when a nuclear holocaust seemed imminent; adolescence when suicide seemed like an option; as a hell-raising 20-something) that I never thought I'd make it this far.
Surprised because I don't feel on the verge of 40. I know I certainly don't act 40; not by the standards of previous generations at any rate (by my age my parents already had two teenage children) or even in comparison to most of my peers, who by and large are tucked into bed and sound asleep at the times I'm still out and about and painting the town hot pink.
All that's besides the point, however. What the fuck am I going to do for my 40th birthday? For my 30th, I had a quite dinner at the Empress attended by my more sedate friends, followed by a gig at the Arthouse that I'd organised, at which four of my favourite local punk bands played, for my younger and more manic friends. How do I top that?
Last year was drinks and nibbles at home followed by a late night of debauchery at Control HQ. Been there, done that, and as much as I love Wally's bar, I think I want less familiar surroundings this year. Perhaps Der Raum? Or Panama? Decisions, decisions...
I await the wise suggestions of the blogosphere as to your recommendations for my 40th birthday celebrations. Comment away!
Richard, I can't remember what I did for my 40th - I'm 47 - but I don't think it was anything special. I don't know about you, but I had a niggling anxiety from about 38 and a half, thinking about approaching 40.
I also thought about when my parents were 40 and they were old. They behaved different; I think society has changed a lot in that regard. The pre-40 anxiety increased as the 'monumental' day approached, and when it finally arrived there was this tremendous relief. I was 40, I could let my 30's go, nothing had really changed, and I was still a young man. Now, I'm sort of dreading turning 50.... :)
once and for all, proof positive that astrology is load of rubbish - you have the same birthday as my dad! not the same year, obviously. i don't think i could imagine two people more different.
what to do...what to do...maybe you could do something cheesy like karaoke or ten pin bowling [the latter would need to be at dinky suburban lanes, not those monstrous "cool" ones in the city]? maybe a movie marathon of your top five flicks? a board games tournament? hang on, i think i've veered into my favourite things now.
i think you had the right idea - find a beautiful bar that you never go to and get happy with your loved ones. that's what i'm doing for my 30th!
and on the potential angst, we saw a doco on robin boyd last night that made me feel really good about age. he died so young, at 52, with so much undone. one of his friends said that an architect is really only hitting his stride at 50, and i thought to myself "that's true of most people with big ideas and grand visions". your twenties kind of fly by, while you sort out your personality. your thirties are when you consolidate your loves and passions and really begin to own yourself. from then on, you're in charge.
i'm excited for both of us...x
I can't remember what my mum did for her 40th and that was only 8 years ago.
How about an ambitious schedule starting before dawn with a hot air balloon ride, breakfast with a few close mates, brunch with a few more, lunch with your workmates, a bicycle ride along the Yarra to burn off some of those carbs, returning on a river cruise with a few champagnes, dinner in the city and then hitting as many pubs and clubs as you can fit in between dinner and passing out? Oh... gotta fit in a birthday cake, candles and heaps of prezzies too!
What do you think?
Take a large empty room. Fill it with people you like, then stir. Sprinkle with alcohol and serve… people clearly under the influence.
We still on for Friday?
Woops I wrote this in the wrong post!!! hehehe silly me!!
As the Man About Town, i think you should have a night off. I think you should let everyone come to you. Pick a place, let everyone know and people will come... people will come!
I agree with Lumpen & D.U.P. Doesn't matter what you do, where you are, as long as all your friends are there.
Although I don't want you to get 'too' trashed - remember that I need you the following night. :)
Whatever else you do, my suggestion is that all the best parties involve pass-the-parcel.
I suggest curling up in the foetal position and crying. No, do something befitting a 40 year old. Have a lovely tea party, and be all dignified. Afterwards, go out and get completely pissed and pick up a 20 year old.
I can relate; as I turn the big 40 in a few months.
head up to sydney for a real party!
If I were you and money was no object I'd book out the Butterfly Club and demand that my most attractive and talented, theatre enthusiast friends dedicate a few extravegant caberet perfomances to me before we all proceed upstairs to get wasted and indulge in some things amoungst the cushions and gorgeous kitschy crap.
Actually, no. I wouldn't just so that if I was YOU, damnit, I'm going to do that myself one day anyway.
how about celebrating for the whole weekend, if not the week???
why save it all for one day...
a masquerade bash sounds nice. nothing fancy, just cool masks. then sprinkle liberally without alcohol, and presto, class with trash! apt, me thinks.
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